The ERSEC Project "Enhanced Road Safety by integrating EGNOS-Galileo data with on-board Control System" aims at contributing a further step towards the goal to make vehicles safer, by exploiting the benefits and advantages offered by the introduction of EGNOS/GNSS systems in road transport.
The main project outcome is the ERSEC measuring system - to be used on board of vehicles - able to output the position on the road map of the equipped vehicle and of all the around it with a measurement accuracy of the order of fraction of metre at a sampling rate of 100 Hz.
The ERSEC innovation is exploitable in the field of active safety (collision avoidance), in the field of AGVs (automated guided vehicle) (for instance applied in restraint areas like airports) and more in general in applications linked to ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems).
However we are aware that the related objectives are quite ambitious (especially for what concerns collision avoidance) and that innovative solutions will diffuse only when the conditions - market, social, legislative - are ripe for such diffusion.
We will therefore appreciate if you will help us in depicting a scenario to analyse the pros and cons for a more rapid diffusion of active safety features in road transport.
To this end we are listing below a few questions for your considerations that will help to build a scenario for vehicle active safety and that we kindly invite you to complete.
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