
erserc Enhanced Road Safety by integrating Egnos-Galileo data with on-board Control system

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Collaborative Project
Grant Agreement n. 247955
Start date: 2010-01-01
End date: 2011-10-31
Duration: 22 months
Call ID: FP7-GALILEO-2008-GSA-1

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* mandatory fields.

Part A) Which are the most important elements leading to the diffusion of advanced safety features in road transport?

  • Barriers for the introduction of a collision avoidance system in the market.
    According to your opinion, which are the barriers for the introduction of a collision avoidance system in the market:

    a. legislations,
    b. technological barriers,
    c. users acceptance,
    d. others.

    If others please specify
  • The pull from legislative intervention. More details
    Due to the big societal issue related to road transport injuries and casualties, do you think that a strong pushing effect from legislations is to be expected for the active safety issues related to?

    a. yes, as soon as possible, for the most involving issue of collision avoidance as soon as the proper innovative response will be proposed,
    b. yes, but little by little, starting from ADAS applications,
    c. no, not before a long and extensive experimental approach.
  • The pull from market demand. More details
    The market appears to appreciate some of proposed features dealing with active safety at least for the higher class of cars.
    Do you expect that such market pull will determine a more rapid diffusion of active safety features?

    a. yes, as soon as possible, for the most involving issue of collision avoidance as soon as the proper innovative response will be proposed,
    b. yes, but little by little, starting from ADAS applications,
    c. no, it will have a reduced impact limited to the upper class vehicles.
  • The push from technology. More details
    In trying to depict the role of technology push in building the scenario, it is important, first of all, to underline the different role that will play the car producer with respect to the components and system suppliers.
    Do you think that:
    a. the end car producer will play the major role for active safety diffusion,
    b. the diffusion will strongly depend on the cooperation between end car producers and component and system suppliers,
    c. no, it will have a reduced impact limited to the upper class vehicles.
  • The potential effect of producer liability. When discussing in general the potential application of an innovation, one has to consider the possibility that the adoption of such innovation in the product might increase the risk for the producer to have to respond to actions for damages incurred for the mal operation of the product itself.

    To which extent you think that such argument might impede or reduce the applicability of the most involving feature of active safety such as that of collision avoidance?

    a. No impact, especially if the technical solution will assure that its intervention will act only when the driver will no more be able to intervene to avoid the collision,
    b. Yes, the producer liability will act as a deterrent, at least up to the point when the legislation intervention will push for adoption of the innovation.
  • The extension of active safety for different driving conditions. More details
    When talking about collision avoidance one should better indicate to which types of driving conditions and environment it might successfully respond to avoid collision.
    To which extent you consider that a collision avoidance system to be accepted should be operative in all the driving environment? In alternative, do you expect potential application also for collision avoidance systems that will safely operative only in highway environment?

    a.To be accepted the collision avoidance systems should safely operate in all driving environment,
    b. there is a potential for application for collision avoidance systems that could operate safely only in a simple driving environment such as highways, provided however that its intervention will be automatically excluded in other driving environments.
  • The extension of applications of safe car automatic driving. More details
    Car producers have already proposed features of automatic driving limited however to very special case like automatic parking.
    Do you consider that there is a market demand for potential application of temporary safe automatic car driving in the next future?
    a. Yes, especially for the case of car following for long distance travel and for complex automatic parking,
    b. No, the market potential will be limited to simple parking.
  • Estimated timelag for entrance in the market of collision avoidance systems.
    Considering the above mentioned aspects (legislations, technological push, user acceptance...) according to your opinion which is the estimated timelag for the entrance in the market of collision avoidance systems?

    a. less than 5 years,
    b. from 3 to 10 years,
    c. more than 10 years,
    d. others.

    If others please specify
  • The extension of applications for Automated Guided Vehicles. More details
    AGV are already applied in very specific cases related to goods transport, in reduced and specially instrumented space, to move the vehicles between given positions.
    What about the possibility to adopt such technology for automated guided vehicles dedicated to moving people in normal traffic conditions?
    a. Yes, one can expect in a not too distant future the diffusion of automatic self-driving vehicles as people movers in normal traffic conditions,
    b. No, one can predict the diffusion on AGV only for industrial and commercial use in a special controlled space.
  • Estimated timelag for entrance in the market of AGVs extended applications.
    According to your opinion which is the estimated timelag for the entrance in the market of AGVs extended applications?

    a. less than 3 years,
    b. from 3 to 5 years,
    c. from 5 to 10 years,
    d. others.

    If others please specify

Part B) Perspective of diffusion of the ERSEC Measuring system in anti-collision device
  • Are you aware of systems, already present on the market, having innovative features comparable to the ERSEC Measuring system?


    If yes, which are the names of such systems?
  • ERSEC target is to measure the vehicle position on the road map with an accuracy between 0.1m and 1m. What is your opinion on the needed precisions?

    a. At least an accuracy between 0.01m and 0.1m is needed,
    b. The ERSEC target is sufficient,
    c. The actual GPS accuracy is enough.
  • Would you implement or test a vehicles equipped with an Anti Collision systems integrating the ERSEC Measuring system?
  • Will you suggest the use of the ERSEC Measuring system also for others ADAS applications?


    If yes, which ones?

Part C) Perspective of diffusion of ERSEC Measuring system in the field of AGV

  • We are currently applying the ERSEC system to develop a radionavigation and anti-collision system dedicated to the automotive domain and we expect to adapt it to the AGV activity with additional functionalities such as an easier system configuration to define the trajectories on a wide area, an obstacle bypass capability.

    In your opinion, could it be used to employ the AGV in restricted areas such as industrial sites, airports, touristic or hospital centres?
  • According to your opinion and experience, can the AGVs equipped with the ERSEC Measuring system increase the efficiency and the quality of services?

    Not significantly.
  • Did you implement/test or do you plan to implement/test an automatically guided vehicles system?

    a. Yes, we already implemented/tested AGV systems,
    b. Yes, we are going to implement/test AGV systems,
    c. No. We have not implemented/tested any AGV systems.
  • What are the main criteria that an automatically guided vehicles system has to cover in order to comply with your needs?

    a. A new technology that does not require the use of costly hardware and structuring of the operative space,
    b. Nothing. We don't see the need of solutions based on radionavigation and anticollision,
    c. Other.

    If others please specify

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